ideal agency SIA

Online Advertising

Online Marketing plays a critical role in overall marketing mix of an organization, as the percentage of internet consumer spending grows, more and more businesses are allocating portions of their budgets to online advertising.

Being seen by your audience is only half the battle won. To drive return on investment or return on advertising spend, a thorough and diversified online advertising strategy must be in place, one that combines PPC, PPA, PPI and social media marketing tactics for optimal performance of the campaign.

ideal agency SIA provides an integrated online advertising campaigns that exposes to prospective buyers. Once a campaign begins, we track pertinent information such as traffic, conversions and user behavior. Our approach to online advertising combines creative messaging with required back-end analysis, to see what’s working and what could work better.

We specialize in various forms of online advertising including:

Pay Per Click
Contextual Advertising
Pay Per Acquisition
Pay Per Impression
Local Search Advertising
Text Link Advertising
Banner Ads
Web Video Advertising
Our Online Advertising services include:

Online Ad Strategy

Before spending time, we determine which PPC engines (Yahoo, Google, MSN, Ask etc.) and banner ad networks (DART, 24/7, Blogosphere, etc.) are most suitable. Target budgets for PPC and PPI campaigns are set, while ideas for creative and promotional campaigns are conceived and organized.

Media Planning & Placement

Occurring simultaneously with ad strategy, online media planning and placement is employed in an ongoing effort. It ties in closely with analytics to determine which networks, creative ads and keywords are yielding the best conversion rates.

Bid Management

Facilitates bidding and controls budgets on thousands of keyword phrases for all of search engines.


It’s a scientific fact the wording of titles and descriptions impacts click-through rates, especially for paid searches. For example, using the same titles and descriptions for “cars” and “used cars” is a classic mistake and lost targeting opportunity. Time-consuming as it is, ideal agency SIA experiments with variations and writes targeted copy for each keyword phrase to ensure optimal client benefit.

Banner Design

Movement and interaction within banner ads attracts higher click-through rates. The goal is to design a series of interactive banner ads relative to different types of products. This gets the client into consumer psychology and behavioral targeting.



Online advertising is a form of marketing that uses the internet to promote products or services. It includes various types of ads that are displayed on websites, social media platforms, search engines, and other online platforms. 

Online advertising can help businesses reach a wider audience, generate leads and sales, increase brand awareness, and drive website traffic. It's also highly targeted, allowing you to reach your ideal customer with the right message at the right time.

The most common types of online advertising include paid search advertising, social media advertising, programmatic advertising, video advertising, content marketing, and native advertising. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for your business will depend on your specific goals and target audience.

The cost of online advertising varies depending on a number of factors, including your budget, your industry, and the platform you're using. Generally, you'll pay for online advertising on a cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) basis, with costs ranging from a few cents to several dollars per click or impression.

To measure the success of your online advertising campaigns, you'll need to track various metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and return on investment (ROI). You can use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your results. 

To get started with online advertising, you'll need to define your goals, identify your target audience, choose the right platforms and ad formats, create compelling ad copy and visuals, and set up tracking and analytics. Working with an experienced online advertising agency can help you navigate the process and achieve your marketing goals.

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